Beyond burnout

Good afternoon from the Shropshire Welsh borders. I have been asked to comment on my experience of burnout. I learnt later in life that I am autistic with non-verbal learning disability, I am unusual as I managed to work 95% of my adult life, rare in the...

My choice. My boundaries.

How often do you say “no”to things that would interfere with your goals? Okay, as an artist and an autist, I get better results if I go with my flow and listen to my voice, and not let non EMERGENCY situations interfere with my day. If I go against that boundary, I...

Activism 4 Autism

Today I sat quietly with an old painting created in 2017, after a trip to Hawaii. I was struck by this “orange aura”, shapeless and shape shifting, and realised that my latest website, had this colour as its main vibrancy. Take Flight… Wondering if my soul knew, I sit...

How often do you walk or run?

How often do you walk or run? How often do you walk or run? How often do you walk or run? You can take this question literally or metaphysically.  So what do I mean, I often walk in the swimming pool after a swim and gather the water to me, creating ripples as I...

A realisation!

Today I was gifted a simple yet powerful short task! Thank you Marike. Help from household objects Yet it was so illuminating: I was asked to pick a few objects without thinking: 1= now 2= future 3= what gets in the way 4= strategies that support you 5= essential...