As I sit here with my first brew of the day I notice my honouring of the sanctity of life.

Yesterday I lost a dear friend, one who was energetic, inspirational, generous, outspoken, and truly herself.

Every time I witness such news, I am brought to my own mortality, and other losses that are ahead of me.

I am mindful that I have managed such situations at the tender ages of 11 and 16, so by now, I may have mastered the process.

Yet loss is painful, and my body, mind and spirit are impacted.

Who are we anyway? Many existentialists have asked this question.

Love to hear your thoughts.

Personally, I think I am energy having a human experience.

I am not my body, I am not my personality. These are things I have borrowed for this lifetime.

So each time we find an answer, we create more questions?

And we remember loved ones, teachers, and influencers who have walked a few steps ahead of us.

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